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Play fairly – no cheating, diving, complaining or wasting time.
Respect your teammates, the other team, the referee and your manager.
Never use foul or abusive language or behave badly or aggressively towards other players, the referee, or anyone else.
Never argue with the referee or the manager.
Be gracious in victory and defeat.
Play for fun.
Parents, Carers, Spectators
Never engage in, or tolerate offensive, insulting or abusive language or behaviour.
Show respect towards opponents, referees, and managers.
Encourage the players to respect the opposition and the referee.
Support, encourage and praise players regardless of their ability.
Do not put undue pressure on players and always encourage.
Remember that children play for FUN.
Managers and Assistants
Use your position to set a positive example for the young people you’re responsible for.
Never argue with the referee or other team managers.
Ensure all players play within the laws and rules of the game.
Place the well-being, safety and enjoyment of each player above everything, including winning.
Be gracious in victory and defeat.
Accept that football is fun and do not attempt to win at all costs.
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